Imposition of sentence suspended
Imposition of sentence suspended

imposition of sentence suspended

A suspended imposition is a procedure that allows a person that has pled.


If you are given a stay of imposition on an offense that includes a requirement you register as a sex offender or predatory offender, you will be required to comply with the registration requirement even though you are receiving a stay of imposition. What is suspended imposition of sentence, commonly referred to as suspended imp. However, there are exceptions to this law that need not be broken for this probation to stand. The serving of this sentence as ordered by a court is to be deferred with the view of allowing the defendant to serve a period of probation. You will also be placed on probation for a term determined by the sentencing Judge. A suspended imposition sentence by definition is a sentence on conviction on any offense. – Like a stay of execution, a stay of imposition may include probationary conditions such as local jail time of up to a year, fines, community service, electronic home monitoring, or other conditions. No person who has previously been granted, whether in this state or any other, a suspended imposition of sentence for a felony, is eligible to be granted a. A motion for a downward or upward departure cannot be made at a Minnesota probation violation hearing, where the Judge would pronounce your sentence once your stay of imposition is revoked. The Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines will determine your sentencing range based on the offense to which you pled guilty and your criminal history score. However, if you violate probation and your stay of imposition is revoked, a Judge will then “pronounce” a sentence according to the sentence that would have been given to you when you were initially sentenced based on the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines. What this means is that a Judge will not state at sentencing the amount of prison time that you would be sentenced to if you violate probation. – Unlike a stay of execution or an executed sentence, with a stay of imposition the Judge will not “pronounce” a sentence.

imposition of sentence suspended


If avoiding a felony conviction is your primary objective, and the facts of the case are such that taking the case to trial does not seem like a good risk to you, then a stay of imposition may be the ideal outcome for your case. But once you successful completion of probation, the conviction will be converted to a misdemeanor. What this means is that after you are sentenced and while you are on probation, a criminal records search will indicate that you were convicted of a felony. However, if you successfully complete probation, the conviction will be deemed a misdemeanor. – You will plead guilty to a felony level offense. A Minnesota Felony Sentence of Stay of Imposition is a much better outcome than either a stay of execution or an executed sentence.

Imposition of sentence suspended